These thing’s don’t MATTER. It’s who you are on the INSIDE that counts. You ARE who you ARE and that’s all you’ll ever BE. If you treat people with kindness and respect, they will see you as beautiful, I promise.
It appalls me that if you type in ‘beautiful’ in Google images, you see woman seemingly flawless with half a shirt or no clothes at all. Society makes women feel that if this isn’t what they become, then they’re not good enough.THAT IS NOT TRUE!
You are beautiful by being YOU. Showing who you really are and taking off the mask that you put on for others to see.
A girl is beautiful when she does what makes her happy. Screaming along with her music at the top of her lungs makes her beautiful if that’s what makes her happy. (Mine is Aerosmith. =] )What I’m saying is that you don’t need to change one little bit to be beautiful, you need to be yourself and accept who you are. Because once you do, you will REALIZE that you are beautiful and you will be so much happier. And I’ve promised myself never to judge based on looks. And I will never judge YOU. I’m always here with open arms and a shoulder to cry on if need be.
Say it out loud, right now. “I am beautiful.” with the optional ‘dammit’ at the end =)All my Love,
~S ♥ P.S. I meant say it out LOUD. Not in your head and not mumbled under your breath. I MEAN it when I tell you to say it ;]
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