Have you ever wondered if there was something more? Something bigger than me? Bigger than you? A few important questions asked in the hit movie, City of Angels. An Angel, Seth, watches from earth the happenings of everyday life. And then everything changes for him. He finds the woman he loves. A doctor named Maggie. But he knows they can't be together. He could be inches from her and she would never know. He's an Angel. She's a human. A match made in heaven that could never be. Or could it? That's the question Seth asks himself when he meets Nathaniel Messinger (pronounced Messenger.) Nathaniel is a patient of Maggie's who always seems to know when Seth is near. When Seth shows himself to Nathaniel, Nathaniel reveals to Seth that he used to be one. An Angel. But he gave it up for the woman he loved. Now, it didn't happen with the snap of the fingers, but the epic plunge. The jump from a building, bridge, or highrise. Plumeting downward. And when he hit the earth, he was human. With human senses such as touch, taste, and smell.
Seth thinks that is wonderful. Being able to do human things, like lying for example ;) But, he has two important things to remember. He doesn't know if Maggie loves him back.......And she has a boyfriend. But the two still see eachother, one time ending in a passionate kiss. But then it all changes. She gets the feeling that something isn't right when he comes over, so he attempts to cut him to see if he bleeds. He doesn't. Maggie is outraged, furious, and flat out confused. She screams at him get get out of her house, and to leave her alone.
Maggie confronts him one day. He has it in his mind that it will be something wonderful. He thinks that maybe, just maybe, she left her boyfriend for him, but when confronted with reality, it's like a stab in the heart that he doesn't physically have. She says she never wants to seem him again. Her boyfriend proposed and she accepted. She wants someone who can feel it when she touches them. Not someone who can appear and disappear at will, and can't even touch her.
So he does it. He acts on will, and on love. He took the dive from a 57 story building. And became man. He rushes to the hospital where Maggie worked, so excited to tell her. But came to find out that she was gone. She left to go to Tahoe with her fiance. So Seth follows. Trying to thumb a ride by the side of the road, a car pulls up. Thinking it was help, he rushed over, only to be punched in the nose, mugged, and have his shoes stolen. And then comes the rain. TRUE help finally comes, and takes him to Tahoe. And to Maggie. Seth knocks on the door, and Maggie answers. She is alone. She tells him she couldn't marry her boyfriend. Because she was in love with Seth. The two think they will spend the rest of thier lives together, and I'm sure they would've if the next day never would've happened.
While Seth takes his first shower as a human, Maggie rides her bike to the market. And yet agin their world changes. Not seeing the traffic as it pulls out in front of her, Maggie collides with the Semi Truck...... Seth rushes to her, only to have her die in his arms...
This is the one true love story I've heard of in my semi-short 14 years. The man (kind of) who gives up immortality to be with the woman he loves, only to have her die.
I'm not sure how to end this, other than saying it was really sad......... so The End :)